We Can’t Believe the Year is Almost Gone!
Rancho Kitty is now a recognized 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit, which means all money donated to our noble cause is 100% tax deductible.
Rancho Kitty is now a recognized 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit, which means all money donated to our noble cause is 100% tax deductible.
With a chill in the air things are going along fine here on the Ranch. We’re closing in on non-profit status, or at least that’s what the Government is telling us.
It’s been a quick Summer and the Ranch is feeling the effects of last Spring’s Kitty season, bringing in many cuddly kittens who needed a forever home.
Time has zoomed by at our Ranch, called happy home to more than fifty cats, seven dogs, and two pigs all living in harmony – for the most part!
It’s the middle of summer and even though our website sat dormant for several months, Rancho Kitty has been hard at work behind the scenes. Our ranch is positively thriving, with more than sixty animals now on the Ranch. And more to come!
Spring is in the air at Rancho Kitty. Little Cinderella loves going outside and loves chasing the Pup Pup puppies around the corral.
At long last, the Freeze of 2021 is in the rearview mirror. The animals are no longer hunkered down in the single-digit temps without heating! Our babies are ready for an early Spring. All the cats are happy and the Puppies are getting peppier every day.
Arizona proved too rugged for everyone involved, dog, cat, or human. So on the invitation of an old, dear friend, Rancho Kitty came to life in Murchison Texas.
The sanctuary, which opened up in 2020, is just getting started. As we approach one hundred critters, the expenses are only increasing. We are frugal and value conscience, so every dollar provides maximum care and comfort for all Rancho Kitty’s babies. Thanks for the Love!