Rancho Blogo


Dog & Cat Days of Summer

Time has zoomed by at our Ranch, called happy home to more than fifty cats, seven dogs, and two pigs all living in harmony – for the most part!

We need you to reach into your pockets and purses. Gather your spare change, or spare folding money, and send love to these babies. It’s as easy as clicking the donate button up top.

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The most notable addition to the Ranch is an older Shih Tzu named Penelope, we call her Penny. She’s greatly loved by all at the Ranch According to the Vet, Penny is close to twelve-years old and more than likely spent most of her life in a puppy mill. Now our newest sweetheart is safe and getting the “princess” treatment, and will live out her remaining years loved and in comfort.

You may recall that it was March when we filed, and paid $600, for Rancho Kitty’s 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit application. We’ve tapping our paws and waiting for the government to get it in gear and come across with the certification we need to raise cash for expansion. We are looking to acquire a much larger property, somewhere in the ten to thirty acre range, with the goal of giving at least a hundred fifty more abandoned pets an awesome forever home.

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About Us

Rancho Kitty is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit that provides  the ultimate forever home for unwanted, abused and/or hard to place small animals.