With a chill in the air things are going along fine here on the Ranch. We’re closing in on non-profit status, or at least that’s what the Government is telling us.
Rancho Kitty is up to almost 80 formally unwanted animals, and everyone here is getting along well!

Rusty the Pig is a new Ranch hand and is quite the character. Bella, the Greatest Dane, is a 10-month-old puppy and is already huge with much more growing yet to go. Naturally, Bella, being an Aquarius, is very smart and rambunctious. Rainbow, the sweet baby, is also brand new to the Ranch.
Rancho Kitty is about to embark on a continuous fundraising campaign, with the ultimate goal of bringing more and bigger Ranches into existence. Rancho Kitty shall one day help HUNDREDS more small animals to obtain a perfect forever home.

So be sure to ‘click a buck’ to the Ranch whenever you can. Just a thin dollar bill helps! A fiver if you can handle it. All donations go directly to the animals. Please click the link to bless these animals with your love.